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1. Наши ножи от СупримКизляр — kizlyarsupreme.ru/
2. Наши топоры — vk.com/uralartisan

Наш Instagram — www.instagram.com/lesnue/
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Съемки, монтаж и остальное — всё сами. Своими руками.

Порода собаки Сиба-Ину

Мы решили поделиться своим опытом приготовления огромного куска мяса в яме. Такую яму еще называют Земляной Тандыр

ИЗБА В ЛЕСУ ИЗ ВАЛЕЖНИКА И ЗАГОТОВКА ДРОВ БЕЗ ШТРАФА. Валежник, сухостой, бурелом, ветровал Бушкрафт

По ссылке Эротический массаж для мужчин в Москве Клубничка СПА — очень много интересного и приятно делается красивыми девушками как мужчинам так и дамам. Одна из популярных услуг интимный массаж !

Изба в лесу из лесных материалов — не древесных ресурсов к которым относятся валежник, сухостой, бурелом, ветровал, а так же заготовка дров бесплатно, связаны с риском получить штраф за незаконную порубку лесонасаждений. Однако, согласно федеральному закону — изменениям в Лесном кодексе РФ, гражданин имеет полное право заготавливать валежник круглый год для личных нужд в неограниченном объеме, при чем поправки и закон никак не ограничивают ни длину бревен ни их диаметр, следовательно, человек в праве заготовить валежник тех размеров и качественного состояния, которые ему необходимы — строевые бревна или дрова. Но вот как правильно отличить валежник, который можно брать от валежника за который легко выписывают штраф, практически нигде не сказано. Поэтому человек, по незнанию, и нарушает непредумышленно закон — просто путая понятия (категории валежника) древесные/НЕ древесные ресурсы — запрещено/разрешено.

Как добыть огонь зимой, голыми руками и даже без ножа youtu.be/R58Y17zWVvU
ЛОВУШКИ ДЛЯ РЫБЫ МЕРЕЖА ВЕРША Как сделать мережу вершу. Изготовление ловушек. youtu.be/YhltaC-Sobg
Как добыть чистую воду в тайге, когда ее по определению нет youtu.be/HlmgDvlSCEs
Запеченный налим в коре с яйцами и зеленью на камне youtu.be/cfPnXEh0nHA

#КакПостроитьДом #СтроимСвоимиРуками #СтроимСами #Самострой
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Лесная изба адвоката Егорова и дырявый оборотень / 2 серия 6 сезон

Это видео про последнюю экспедицию к лесной избушке адвоката Егорова и в основном про верстак перевертыш. В этом году у меня был отпуск почти 30 дней и за это время я успел многое: нарастил дамбу, собрал Водяное колесо, построил рабочую мельницу, смолол муку, собрал Верстак перевертыш, Верстак для ножа мамонта, изготовил стеллаж для инструмента под открытым небом, заложил новую грядку, смолол и сварил Кофе, восстановил медведоустойчивую дверь и земляную печь, испек в ней Шарлотку и многое другое.
мой инстаграм www.instagram.com/advokategorov

Видео про предыдущие этапы обустройства быта в лесу
01 эпизод — youtu.be/pqRTXVU7vyo (1 сезон) 2014 г.
02 эпизод — youtu.be/zDjFghKPrEg (1 сезон) 2014 г.
03 эпизод — youtu.be/d2rk4cpaUwg (1 сезон) 2014 г.
1 эпизод — youtu.be/cRgS8EYxvP4 (2 сезон) 2015 г.
2 эпизод — youtu.be/M9WTRwnxDfg (2 сезон) 2015 г.
3 эпизод — youtu.be/q4Hn9WWOgwk (3 сезон) 2016 г.
4 эпизод — youtu.be/4QvNaYgq7sU (3 сезон) 2016 г.
5 эпизод — youtu.be/nBvqF827Hm8 (4 сезон) 2017 г.
6 эпизод — youtu.be/vyjIkRhIEVQ (4 сезон) 2017 г.
7 эпизод — youtu.be/XC0Kh76pGGk (5 сезон) 2018 г.
8 эпизод — youtu.be/Y5hFwiRT-ZE (6 сезон) 2019 г.
9 эпизод — youtu.be/d6vuujqvgMo (6 сезон) 2019 г.
10 эпизод — youtu.be/X1m-SkS0VLo (6 сезон) 2019 г.

Экскурсия вокруг избы 360 youtu.be/uRBiOFMBuQI

Инструмент и экипировка из этого видео:

Спасибо Саше Зигфриду за шерхебель www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIp94QtoCMQ

Viking House: Full Bushcraft Shelter Build with Hand Tools | Vikings

We build a bushcraft viking house from the viking age using hand tools only. Inspired by vikings, who were very resourceful and created buildings using the natural materials they scavenged around them. We used simple hand tools such as axe, saw, auger, drawknife, bushcraft knife and other simple tools.
To begin with we cut cedar logs from trees that had been felled in the forest. We used an axe and saw to make log cabin notches and built the foundation of the viking house two logs high. We then used the hand auger to build the timber frame. This consisted of 3 large «A» frames. We burnt the ends of the logs in fire to evaporate any moisture and create a rot-proof layer of charred wood which will help to preserve the timber frame foundation when the poles are in the ground. We used a long cedar log as the ridge pole which sits on top of the a frame of the bushcraft shelter. The next stage was building a viking longpit or firepit. This we wanted to make as historically accurate as we could. So we dug a pit about 4 feet long and 2 feet wide. We lined the pit with large stones found in the nearby area. In order to reduce waste of any materials, we used the clay from the pit to secure the stones. We added water to the clay to make it easier to work with and we filled in the gaps between the stones. We then lit a small fire in the pit and let the clay dry out for a few days. At this point we realised we could make our job easier by building a diy saw horse. So we used the drawknife to remove bark from a log (helps to prevent rot). We used the auger to drill four holes for legs and then we made four wood pegs for the top of the saw horse. For the rafters we used more cedar logs and again burnt the ends. It is an ancient japanese technique to preserve wood which is called shou sugi ban.
It was then finally time to build the roof of the house. For this, we peeled the bark off the cedar logs. We then put this on the rafters and secured it with some roofing tacks. We had to be fast when doing this, as the cedar bark shrinks and cracks when it dries. We put it on in layers like roof tiles. We built a wood ladder to get up high on the roof and secure the final bark layers.
Using an axe and bushcraft, we made some wooden wedges and split a few large cedar logs. We then hewed these logs and built a raised viking bed for the inside of the house. We also made some benches to sit near the fire. At the back of the viking house, we built a folding window and support arm so that we could let light into the house and also improve the airflow. We dug an air vent too, to allow more oxygen to get to the fire. To make the shelter more secure, we built a perimeter wall use cedar posts and hazel saplings (also known as wattle wall). To help further improve the airflow inside the shelter, we cut a hole in the roof and built a ridge cap or ridge vent to act like a chimney and let the smoke out. Overall this viking house took about 10 days to build. It was in winter, so we were restricted by daylight hours. This is not a historically correct viking house. Traditional viking houses were built with large timbers that were hewn from big logs. They had large gable ends almost like log cabins and the roof was made from wood shingles. Often they looked like viking longships or longboats and had many decorative viking features. In a viking longhouse, there would be enough room for many people and animals as well. But this was our take on it.
We have done a number of different camping overnight trips in this shelter. We have cooked meat over fire, had great viking feasts and spent many hours keeping warm around the firepit. I hope you enjoyed this vikings inspired bushcraft build. To watch the whole series of individual episodes (where we talk and explain what we are doing) then please follow links below.

VIKING HOUSE BUILD (Each Episode): www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxD9wUrrSUQojUgTowrFMJeg

Bushcraft Tools Channel: www.youtube.com/user/BUSHCRAFTFIRES
TA Fishing Channel: www.youtube.com/user/TAFishing

SAXON HOUSE BUILD: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxAufXr4xYXLHazACE5zxnrt

TA OUTDOORS PATCHES: www.taoutdoors.com/shop/

INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/taoutdoorofficial
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/totallyawesomeoutdoors
TWITTER: twitter.com/OutdoorsTa

#vikings #viking #vikinghouse #bushcraft

Building a Bushcraft Viking Turf House with Hand Tools - Timber Frame (PART 1)

Join me as I build a bushcraft viking house with turf roof. I use basic hand tools and simple building techniques to make a timber frame. This viking house is inspired by the Icelandic vikings. 30% of Iceland was forrested when it was settled. This meant that the vikings had to be resourceful and creative with their building constructions and so they used turf and stones to build the majority of the house. For this build, I am doing it slightly different. As I am in a dense woodland and have plenty of wood supply, I am building the foundations of the house using a basic roundwood timber frame with simple mortise and tenon joints. Traditionally, the vikings of Iceland would have built a foundation of stone and then built turf layers above this. This added great insulation to their houses and protected them from the strong winds and extreme cold. It meant that the house maintained an even temperature all year round.
In this video I use basic woodworking techniques and tools to create the timber frame. I make 6 posts from scotts pine (not ideal for timber frame as it is a softwood, but plenty of it around to use). I burn the ends of the posts. By taking the bark off with a drawknife and charring the ends of the poles, it helps make the post more resistant to rot when it is in the ground. I did 6 holes in the ground, right down to the gravel layer. I pack the posts in and then harvest more wood for the support beams. I use a wood mallet, chisel and auger to make mortise holes for the beams to sit on top of the posts. With the basic timber frame now made, I am ready to collect the wood for rafters.
In Part 2 I will finish building the rest of the frame. Collecting rafters of different lengths to give the bushcraft shelter a unique look. Be sure to subscribe to keep up to date with the series.

Watch All Viking Turf House Episodes here: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxC2TSPdh60-zwyMlo-PXVWC

Building a Viking House with Bark Roof (ALL EPISODES):

SAXON HOUSE BUILD: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxnadpeGdTxAufXr4xYXLHazACE5zxnrt

DADS CHANNEL TA FISHING: www.youtube.com/tafishing

TA OUTDOORS PATCHES: www.taoutdoors.com/shop/

INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/taoutdoorofficial
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/totallyawesomeoutdoors
TWITTER: twitter.com/OutdoorsTa


EARLY WINTER CAMPING in a Bushcraft Shelter - Long Fire, Raised Bed, Moss Roof

Join me on a solo overnight early winter camping trip in a bushcraft shelter. Skillshare: skl.sh/taoutdoors12201 I build a raised bed, keep warm by the long fire pit and enjoy an early winter camping night under the moss roof bushcraft viking house. In this first overnight in the viking shelter I cook meat over the grill on the fire. Temperatures got down to 3 degrees Celcius with heavy rain in the morning.

Get 20% off Garphyttan Bushcraft Clothing with code «TA20» (lasts until Jan 2021): www.garphyttan.com/


Изба адвоката Егорова традиционная медведоустойчивая дверь на подпятниках

Это видео про то как в диком лесу своими руками построить избу из бревен и сделать из огромного бревна традиционную тесовую дверь на подпятниках. Дверь выдержит натиск медведя. Для этого распилил бревно на доски, соединил доски на шканты и поперечины, выпилил подпятники (деревянные оси) и навесил дверь на косяк. Дверь изготовлена из дерева кело в 2017 году в лесу Карелии Россия

Я завел инстаграм www.instagram.com/advokategorov
Проекты по колонизации дикого леса:
Russian Primitive log hut
How to build a Log Cabin in a wild forest
1 episode — youtu.be/cRgS8EYxvP4
2 episode — youtu.be/M9WTRwnxDfg
3 episode — youtu.be/q4Hn9WWOgwk
4 episode — youtu.be/4QvNaYgq7sU
5 episode — youtu.be/nBvqF827Hm8
6 episode — youtu.be/dFxU_uOrPSI

Самодельная прозрачная байдарка из веток и пленки Homemade stretch wrap kayak — youtu.be/esQpDI1CO_0
Земляная печь и походная пицца DIY primitive oven — youtu.be/Efw3EU_wr_g
Огненная лесная мебель — youtu.be/zDjFghKPrEg
Лесная кровать – лежак из мешков и жердей — youtu.be/t0i6HYlT71M
Запруда на ручье – рукотворный водоем и самодельная лестница — youtu.be/d2rk4cpaUwg
Навес стол кровать скамья в одном от адвоката Егорова — youtu.be/hMK5yhIPiXw
Самодельный каяк из веток и тента homemade kayak — youtu.be/-wgZkWiH4DY
Скамейка из бревна и приспособа для бензопилы — youtu.be/gmHFO1sCFG4
Лесной купол адвоката Егорова Bushcraft dome of twigs and stretch film — youtu.be/D2a6mqYubZ4
Веревка / канат из елки wooden rope primitive technology — youtu.be/cJ8FFvz9uY0
Пилорама из бензопилы двух досок и саморезов Homemade Chainsaw Milling — youtu.be/SwFpU9AN5qA
ОТОПЛЕНИЕ ПАЛАТКИ финской свечой — youtu.be/82hhn1gvugk
Шашлык в свече или вертикальный мангал — youtu.be/WzJ3d2aa_J8

Спасибо за тент Оле Козловой goo.gl/7evZt4
Огромное спасибо Андрею Шевцову за дрон и лучшие кадры в этом видео
Спасибо Косте Вигнтер за дуб (слебы из дуба бензопилой) www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFawvg1tmgk

Инструмент и экипировка из этого видео:
Топор youtu.be/ylKBGAfZS74 и youtu.be/HhSy0UcWowI
Лучковая пила youtu.be/WzJ3d2aa_J8?t=136
Скобель vk.com/advocatttt?w=wall-2070464_9063
Топор ФРО www.instagram.com/p/BVxs6Jvl7uz/
Стамеска плотника www.instagram.com/p/BlEDUk9HldD/
Скоба плотника vk.com/advocatttt?w=wall-2070464_8401

Адвокат Егоров — advoko.ru/
Пусть хорошие люди смотрят хорошие видео. Спасибо, что делитесь моими видео.
Моя группа в ВКонтакте vk.com/advocatttt

P.S. Поперечные скрепы двери называют снарвы. Моя дверь на снарвах и подпятниках.

#advoko #изба #kelo #адвокатегоров

The Bushcraft Backpack Ive Been Waiting For | MILITARY GRADE TA TREKKER PACK by TA Outdoors

My Bushcraft Backpack: www.taoutdoors.com/ Here is an overview of the Military Grade TA Trekker. The official Day Pack by TA Outdoors. Made for Bushcraft, Survival and Camping trips. The TA Trekker is an ideal day pack for bushcraft, hiking and camping trips in the woods. Each pack is handmade in Britain using the highest quality material we could find. The pack is made from heavy duty double-lined Cordura, with rot-resistant stitching and British Military grade webbing and buckles. This is a pack that is built to last. To add to the uniqueness of this pack, you can also purchase additional accessories to get fully kitted out. The modular Pack Pouch system features durable pouches for your bushcraft and camping items, all of which fit flush inside the pack, maximising the amount of space used within it. It is available in both green and brown.

Get full kitted out for epic wilderness adventures:
— 1 x TA Trekker Pack
— 2 x Small Pack Pouch
— 1 x Medium Pack Pouch
— 1 x Large pack pouch.

Get a Full Loadout here:
— Size: 25L
— British Military Grade webbing and buckles
— Material: Double lined Cordura (inside and out)
— Axe sleeve with securing loop
— 2 x front pockets
— 2 x fixed 1.5L side pouches with YKK zips
— Webbing straps extend underneath for tent, blanket or bedroll
— Highly Water Resistant
— Pull cord closure with reinforced webbing and rivets
— Elastic webbing for storage of items under lid
— Adjustable sternum strap
— Fully adjustable and padded shoulder straps
— 2x D-loops on shoulder straps
— Breathable and padded mesh back panel
— Inside back pocket for maps/camping grill or additional foam padding

Colours: Olive Green with Cream interior OR Brown with Dark Gold interior.

Primitive Bushcraft Shelter - Stone Roofed Lean-To

In this video I build a permanent lean-to with a stone roof. It was built by myself with mostly young maple trees, poplar bark, flagstone and earth, all gathered from the immediate area of the building site.

No outside materials were used and only 4 tools: a Cold Steel Special Forces Shovel, Cold Steel Spike Hawk, Svord Von Tempsky Bowie and a Svord Pig Sticker.

During the warm months I like to stay away from water to avoid insects. This was built on one of the finger ridges of the middle ridge of the property and is nice and dry.

The build took five days to complete and I stayed out there during that time period. Food consisted of a pound and a half of pemmican, half a pound of jerky and approximately 5 liters of water each day.

Due to our location up in the Appalachian mountains sound travels very far and the distant train can be heard along with the occasional survey helicopter (especially during the hand drill fire)

This is our first video and as our channel grows the first investment well make is high quality cameras, microphones and a decent computer. Until then well go with what we got and keep shooting.

If you like our content please subscribe, more is to come shortly! Thanks and enjoy.
